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Disciplinary Measures
To search the Jurisprudence Database, specify your criteria below and press Search (not all fields are required). Alternatively, you can view all records in the database
Purpose : this field will return all decisions in which the word is found in any of the searchable fields, whether or not it is relevant to the nature of the case.
Searching for expressions: if you wish to search for a sequence of words or an expression, you will have to include this expression or set of words between quotation marks. For example, if you are searching for decisions containing the expression appeal panel, you would have to enter “appeal panel” in the search box. If you enter appeal panel without quotation marks, the results will include all decisions containing either the words “appeal” or “panel” in any searchable field.
Searching words containing accents: if the word or expression that you wish to search contains accents on one or more letters, do not include the accents when typing the text in the box. The search engine will not recognize the accents and will return no result.
Using symbols: certain symbols are not recognized by the database search engine. They will either be ignored by the system or will cause the search engine to return no result. The symbols not recognized by the search engine include: .!@ /$%?&*()_+-<>}{ ][ .
Using digits: digits will only be recognized if 4 or more in a row (as in a year - 2004 – or a case number - 00789).
The search engine for the SDRCC jurisprudence database will help you find the decisions that you are looking for. The following instructions are designed to help you search the database effectively.
IMPORTANT: all fields are inclusive, therefore, the more you enter search criteria, the more precise your search results will be. If you are uncertain about the accuracy of the information that you possess about the decision(s) that you are looking for, it is preferable that you leave those fields empty and use only the Keyword search.
Keyword: this field has its own set of instructions. To consult them, close this window and click on “Detail” just above the Keyword box.
Decision Date: this field will return all the decisions that were rendered this month, in the last three months or in the last year, depending on the “date options” you have selected. You can also manually select a time period (from – to) using the calendar.
Parties: if you know the name of any of the parties involved in the decision(s) that you are looking for, this field will allow you to narrow down your search. If you leave the field “Types” in its default setting “Any”, the search engine will return all decisions in which the name that you have entered (of a person or of an organization) appears as a claimant, respondent, affected party/intervenor, or observer. If you know what role the person or organization played in the case that you are looking for, you can select it from the drop-down menu to refine your search criteria.
Accents - Important Note: if the name of the person or the organization contains accents on one or more letters, do not include the accents when typing the name in the box.
Type of Dispute: this field represents a categorization of the nature of the dispute that was submitted before the SDRCC. It will return all decisions of the type selected in the drop-down menu.
Member Involved in the Dispute: this field refers to the role that parties play in the sport system (athlete, coach, NSO, etc.). It will return all decisions in which the selected type of member was involved, either as a claimant, respondent, affected party/intervenor, or observer. Please note that in this field, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport has its own category (“CCES”) for doping-related disputes, and therefore will not be recognized by the search engine under the “MSO” category.
Sport: this field will return all decisions rendered in a dispute that originated from the sport selected from the drop-down menu.
Arbitrator: this field will return all decisions rendered by the arbitrator selected from the drop-down menu, including those rendered by a three-person panel of which the arbitrator was a member.
Tribunal: the database only contains decisions rendered by arbitrators under the jurisdiction of the SDRCC and of the former ADRsportRED program. All non-doping cases were heard under the “Ordinary” division of those tribunals. This field therefore allows you to eliminate from your search results all doping-related decisions, or otherwise limit your search exclusively to doping-related decisions.